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Blog Update

There will be extents where I may not post for a while, sometimes it's a posting slump, sometimes it's life. Eventually new content WILL be posted, I've not neglected my blog.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Feel free to visit MYSTICAL PAGAN for interesting content.


1) So you guys worship Satan, right?
Only according to Closed Minded individuals who believe Satan is the reason for everything negative in the world. No, we do not worship Satan. Satan is a creation designed to instil fear into the followers of certain organized religions and gain followers. He is created as a scapegoat to blame the ills of the world on, rather than have the real creators of those ills take proper responsibility. ‘Family in turmoil and about to split apart? Its caused from the Devil.’ Those who would believe this would rather blame the Devil for splitting apart the family rather than those who are causing the rift (parents, ill mannered grown children, outsiders, etc…).

2) So you don't believe in God? What do you believe in?
Whoever said that Witches don’t believe in God? There are many Witches who in fact believe in not only one God, but in fact several Gods. There are also some who are Atheist Witches who believe in no Gods but, Witches come in as varied belief as anyone else in the World. Yes, many of us believe in God, and some believe in Goddess. It's all dependent upon the individual Witch.

3) Who are the God and Goddess?
In a general Wiccan sense, the God and Goddess are the opposite sides of the All. A divine force that created the universe. The masculine and feminine side of this force. Like a diamond, the God and Goddess are separate but one, much like the facets of a diamond. There are many facets, yet one diamond.

4) What Gods do Witches worship?
That would be up to the individual Witch. Some Witches worship NO deities, and simply practice on their own, while some Witches practice with the assistance of whatever deity calls to them.