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Blog Update

There will be extents where I may not post for a while, sometimes it's a posting slump, sometimes it's life. Eventually new content WILL be posted, I've not neglected my blog.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

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1) Do rituals have to be performed in the same spot every time?
No. Rituals can be performed in different areas. The purpose of casting a circle, not only protects us from outside influences, and the outside from what we are raising within the circle…but it is also a place of sacredness…our own sacred temple to the deities we have dedicated ourselves to (if you are Wiccan). We can cast this circle in any place we want and it will be dedicated to the deity and/or task we are taking. This area could be indoors or outdoors.

2) When are the festivals celebrated?
The Witches festivals are celebrated during the Equinoxes and Solstices as well as the mid-points between. These days can change depending on the year, as the time during which the Equinoxes and Solstices depends on the angle of the Sun and Moon.

3) What is a craft name and how do you get it?
A Craft name is a name a practitioner chooses to use in practice…say in circle to shift one’s consciousness to a magical level. Referring to yourself in this “Craft Name” allows you to shift into this alternate state and better perform your craft. However, it is not necessary to have a Craft name. This is optional.

4) How do I know if my chosen Craft name is right for me?
Only you can determine whether or not your Craft name is right for you. If you feel comfortable with your name, then it is right for you. If you have doubts about your name or don’t feel it’s right for you, then you need to explore within yourself and discover what your true name might be. But remember that a Craft name is not a necessity. If you don’t have one, it’s ok. A Craft name is not a must!

5) Do you know how to call up spirits and/or the dead?
Not really. I do call upon ancestor spirits to guide me in my workings, my life, and ask them for guidance through my life…but I don’t haphazardly call them up and allow them to freely float about my home or area in which I am working. That would be irresponsible. As for speaking to the dead, I believe the dead deserve their peace and let them be.

6) When I was young, I went to a séance and began speaking in another tongue. Does this have anything to do with my past life?
I don’t think this had anything really to do with your past life, as during a séance, one is trying to encounter another spirit or the dead, not tap into your past life.

7) Has being a witch in a past life helped me in my craft?
There is a possibility. Practicing in another life could have allowed your subconscious or your spirit to know much about practicing as you need…but don’t think that because you feel you have a natural talent, means that you don’t have to study. Study prepares you for the things you don’t know yet. It’s like learning lessons with holes in the lesson. You wouldn’t get the full benefit of the lesson, only bits and pieces and you wouldn’t
understand fully what your studying.

8) My friend's dog growls when he goes by her room and she often sees shadows. Is this because of her practicing witchcraft?
Not necessarily. Dogs may sense more than basically spirits. Perhaps she’s hiding someone in her room, or there is a rodent in there that she doesn’t know about. As for shadows, they appear from anyone and anything. Remember that shadows are an absence of light. There has to be something there in order for a shadow to appear. If there is a shadows, chances are there is something there blocking the light, and therefore she would see it. Don’t automatically assume it’s a ghost or spirit

9) Most of the info I find is referenced to female gender. Is the craft different for men?
No. It seems to be geared towards female mostly because it’s mostly females who find this path. Many want to escape the subversive nature of organized religion that services only to suppress women and consider them inferior to men. However the Craft is the same for both genders. If you find something that peaks your interest and contains anything regarding “She”, just change the she to he, and adapts accordingly.

10) How can I prove to my friends that magic is real?
You don’t need to prove to anyone that magic is real. If they don’t believe, then that’s up to them. There isn’t anything you or I could say to them that would change their mind…as magic cannot be seen (despite what Hollywood shows us).

11) Who here has the most power? Where do you get your power from?
You know…it’s not about power, and who has the most. Many like to think that there are these “levels” to make one higher and more dominate than another. In Witchcraft, Witches are not interested in being more dominate and having others below us. We want nothing more than to improve the way our lives are led; making positive changes in our lives and the lives of others.

12) Do you practice black magick?
Magic is neutral in color. There is no black or white magic. The intention of the caster determines whether the magic will be beneficial or not (i.e. good or bad). Magic cannot be good or bad, as magic is energy, and will not be “color-coded” until someone makes use of the energy.