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1) What is a Witch?
A Witch is someone who practices Witchcraft. Witchcraft is the practice of manipulating the natural energies and forces to bring about desired changes in one’s life and the lives of others.

2) What is Witchcraft?
Witchcraft is the craft of the Witch. Witchcraft is not a genetic pre-disposition, a DNA anomaly or random ability embedded into someone's being from birth. Every (real) Witch out there became one through dedicated study and practice. They didn't become one because "Mom" or "Grandma" was one; they didn't become one because they think they can move things with their mind...they became one 1) by taking an interest 2) studying then 3) practicing what they learned

3) What kind of people are Witches?
All kinds of people are Witches. The term “Witch” is not gender specific, therefore both men and women can practice it. Witches blend easily into society, because they don’t have any regulated dress codes, nor do they wear any outrageous jewellery.

4) Do Witches have priests or ministers?
Not really. Witches who belong to covens have a hierarchy that would include High Priest and Priestesses, generally leaders or elders of that coven. Their job is to spiritually guide the members of the coven and answer questions someone may have.

5) What is Wicca?
Wicca is a polytheistic religion, placing sole focus on a God and Goddess. They hold great honor for nature but do not worship it. They follow the guideline of the Wiccan Rede which states “An it harm none, do as thou will” which does NOT mean do what ever you want (nor is it simplified into two words nor a lengthy poem). It essentially says that harmless actions are acceptable, but says absolutely nothing about harmful actions.

6) Is Witchcraft the same thing as Wicca?
Those new to Wicca would say yes…but this is a misinformed assumption. As one who has practiced and studied for a while, I will say No. In a nutshell, Wicca is a religion…Witchcraft is not. Wicca relies on the belief in a dualistic deity that comes in the form of a Goddess and God, they also revere nature and the cycles it goes through during the year. They follow a general guideline called “The Wiccan Rede” which in its shortest form states “An it harm none, do as thou will.” Wiccans will make use of Witchcraft in their practices, but not all do, as not all feel the need to.

Witchcraft contains none of the above mentioned. There are no God’s to worship, no “generalized” rules for every witch. Witches may honor Nature, as we all come from nature, and it is that which governs our lives. But, we do not honor nature as a deity itself…just a life form from which we all sprang.

7) How is it related to Paganism?
In a sense, it sort of doesn’t, as Paganism is the term used to describe ANY “religion” that is not of the Abrahamic Religions. Witchcraft is not a religion, as there are no deities to worship, nor any religious dogma to follow. It is a practice…a set of skills learned through time through great study and practice.

However, many Witches believe their craft has spiritual value to it, and may incorporate religious elements into their craft, therefore many Witches will identify as Pagan, due to those beliefs. It really depends on the individual.

8) Is Witchcraft a form of Satanism?
No. Witchcraft has nothing to do with Satanism. To understand the differences one must understand what Satanism actually is. In Satanism, one does not actually believe in nor worship any literal being known as "Satan", but uses the idea of Satan to represent the self. It's more a self-worship type of religion. They stress a "Do unto others" mentality, that if you're kind to them, they'll be kind to you, however if you're rude and uncouth to them, they'll be just as rude and uncouth to you. THIS is real Satanism.

The misinformed or wilfully ignorant will see Satanism as the literal worship of the Christian creation "Satan" or "The Devil", with rituals and sacrifices thus associated with it (i.e. animals, children, people, etc), as well as a LOT of sexual rites dedicated TO Satan. None of this is true, NOR does any of this OR what actual Satanism is have anything to do with Witchcraft. As stated above, Witchcraft is a craft, and has no deities to worship. To make the false assumption that Witches worship some deity to do their craft, makes as much sense as someone saying a chef must worship the God of Cooking in order to cook any meals.

9) Are you a good Witch or a bad Witch?
I’m neither. Witchcraft cannot be placed in to two definite, black and white categories. Intentions of the caster determine whether or not their actions are honorable, and even then it's a grey area. Sometimes some Witches choose to act in less than honorable ways, but that doesn’t make them bad or good. Everyone has the tendencies to do negative things and even the most honorable act done by anyone can produce catastrophic results. Does that make them bad? No…it makes them Human.

10) Do all Witches practice magick?
Generally yes. When a Witch makes use of ritual or spell work, they manipulate the energies that surround us to create change. This manipulated energy, when working is in itself “magic”. We cannot see the magic working, any more than we can see the signal going from one cell phone to the other. The energy is there…we know it is, but we cannot see it, much like that cell phone signal.

11) I want to become a Witch.
If you have the desire to want to become a Witch, then by all means, do so. But remember that Witchcraft is not a game. It is not a toy that one flips out at a moments notice to impress friends; it is not a toy that is used during sleepovers to scare each other. The practices a Witch does will result in REAL things. If an inexperienced individual dabbles in that which he/she doesn’t understand, someone can become seriously hurt. You don’t drive a car without first taking (even the most mundane) lessons, do you?

12) How old do you have to start to practice the art of witchcraft?
There are many out there who believe that they want to be Witches at say the ages between 12-14. I believe this is far too young for one to start learning on their own (unless their parent is teaching them, then it is up to the parent as to what age to start them at). At that age, a child doesn't have the mental capacity to determine future outcomes of their actions. For a child of 13 to dabble in something they think is like Harry Potter, they couldn't possibly realize that a revenge spell could cause their target to become seriously injured or ill.

If an individual wants to begin learning about Witchcraft, I’d say from about 18 and older would be a good place to start, as around then, the seeker can better judge their actions and thus be able to "foretell" the outcomes of those actions and make better decisions.

13) How do I become a Witch?
First you should determine WHY you want to become a Witch. Is it so you can cast spells willy-nilly? Is it because you want to get revenge on someone who has tormented you? Is it so you can instil fear into those who encounter you. Perhaps you want to force the guy in the next seat in your marketing class to fall in love with you. If these are the reasons you want to be a Witch, then Witchcraft is definitely NOT for you. Witchcraft is not a toy and these reasons are just games children play using fire. If you want to make positive changes, better understand yourself and your environment, and grow as a person, then by all means, participate in Witchcraft.

After answering they why questions, the next step could be declaring that you wish to dedicate your life to the study and practice of Witchcraft. Then one would put actions to words and spend as much time as possible to studying before practicing. Find a group, research online and in books the information, and history of Witchcraft…how to practice, what magic is, what spells are, and how to write your own are some general basics. After that, it’s up to whatever calls you to, to study next.

14) Can I be born a Witch?
No. That is like asking “Can I be born a Carpenter?” “Can I be born an Artisan?” No, one developes the knowledge and abilities attained through hard work, study, practice and patience. No one is born already able to practice Witchcraft right from birth. They learn it through years of study.

15) Do you have to be born a Witch or can you become one?
I firmly believe that you CANNOT be born a Witch. To be born a Witch would mean that you are born with all the knowledge and skills needed to practice witchcraft successfully. No one is born with that amount of knowledge. It takes a great deal of study and practice to become fluently experienced in the Craft.

16) What is a natural witch?
A Natural Witch would be someone who has a natural tendency towards nature. Having a natural ability to understand herbs, and how to combine them to be effective in whatever means they wish to use them. Also they would have a natural ability to harness certain abilities…say empathy or psychism. Now, please note that one does NOT need to have a “psychic” ability to become a witch.

17) I think I might be part witch. Is there any way to tell if someone in my family history had Witch blood?
No one is born a Witch. Just like no one is born a carpenter, or a banker…or even a Christian. Becoming a witch is a choice made. YOU have to decide whether or not you want to be a witch. If you have witches in your family, then there is probably someone who can teach you to become a witch yourself and follow in their footsteps. You cannot be a Witch by blood.

18) Are male Witches called Warlocks?
No. A witch is a witch regardless of sex. Warlock is a derogatory term meaning “oathbreaker” or “traitor”. The term ‘Witch’ is an androgynous term that can be used to refer to anyone who practices Witchcraft, male or female.

19) I want to be a Wizard. Can you help me to become one?
Witches tend not to believe in wizardry…as many who want to be Wizards think it’s like Harry Potter. A male can be a Witch and practice witchcraft. The word Witch is not gender specific, it encompasses both males and females.

20) Who is the founder of Witchcraft?
It depends on what you are referring to. If you are mistakenly referring to Wicca, many would say that Gerald Gardner is the original founder or the Father of Wicca and he founded it around the 1950's. However, if you are referring to Witchcraft in general, no one is really sure. Witchcraft has been around for centuries, however it wasn’t called “Witchcraft” until the early church discovered this unconventional way of practice.

21) What is a gift in witchcraft? does each person have one? If so how do I get it?
Remember that to possess a gift does not automatically mean one is a Witch. Becoming a Witch is a conscious choice made, not a birthright. Now, there are many who are born with “gifts”. These gifts could be anything from empathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, telekinesis, etc… Sometimes these gifts are present from birth, sometimes it takes practice to become adept. One does not need to be a Witch in order to use these gifts.

22) Can I practice witchcraft without worshiping the Lord and Lady?
Absolutely. There are more ways of practicing witchcraft than the practice of Wicca. Remember…Wicca is a religion that encompasses the workings of Witchcraft. It is not witchcraft itself. Witchcraft is a practice, a set of skills, not a religion.

23) What is a tradition in relation to Witchcraft?
A tradition would be a lineage that would have been passed on from one generation to another. Say a Grandmother, passing her knowledge of the craft to the Mother, and the Mother passing her knowledge to her daughter, and so forth. Another form of tradition could be a Coven lineage, in which those who practice as a group pass on knowledge and crafting information to new members.

24) What are the major traditions in Witchcraft?
There really are no traditions when it comes to Witchcraft. Many practice lines passed down from one generation to another, but generally these lines are not titled. There are a few, however, titled traditions, and they include those such as Santeria (Italian Witchcraft), and BTW (British Traditional Witchcraft). These are traditions that involve study under the guidance of covens (generally), however, one CAN learn solitary. Then there are those who practice eclectically, adding what feels right to their practice.

25) What is a path in relation to Witchcraft?
A path would be the direction you lead your life in, in regards to your practice. Everyone leads a path in their lives, they go in whichever direction they feel is right for them. No two people ever walk the same path. Some may walk similar paths, but each has their own subtle differences that makes each path an individual one.

26) What is the ethical standard for Witchcraft?
I would have to say that it is individual for each Witch…but I believe that any Witch would believe that “Taking responsibility for one’s actions and the outcome of those actions” would be a pretty standard ethical guideline. Putting blame on someone else for your actions would be unethical, and just plain rude and wrong.

Now, there seems to be a misunderstanding going around that Witchcraft holds the same ethical values as some religions. As I said above, the ethics and morals of a Witch is individual to each, so for a Wiccan to claim that all Witches must adhere to Wicca's Rede "An it harm none, do as thou will", then that makes as much sense as claiming all Atheists must adhere to Christianity's Ten Commandments. If a Witch doesn't follow Wicca, then they are not morally or ethically bound by Wicca's rules or guidelines. They may choose to harm if they wish, but again, like I said above, they should take responsibility for what they do and accept the consequences.

27) What is a"dedication" and "rites of passage" in Witchcraft?
A “Dedication” is a ritual in which a Witch makes a full blown dedication to the craft. They may make a statement that they plan to make the Craft their life-long pursuit, and make a declaration that they plan to make study and practice a part of their lives.

A “Rite of Passage” is a ceremony that celebrates certain phases in a person’s life. Celebrating a birth, puberty (first menstruation for girls, coming of age for boys), marriage, menopause, etc…

28) Who here thinks they are a Witch?
Those who take a serious interest and serious study to the craft of Witchcraft KNOW they are a Witch. Only those who don’t take things seriously, dabble with spells, and watch Charmed and The Craft religiously “Think” they are a Witch. Taking on the title of Witch shouldn’t be taken lightly. One should study for a few years, properties of herbs, stones, colors, etc…spell crafting, ritual performance as well as the history, before taking on the title of Witch. You must know your path before you can declare it yours.

29) Are you guys like those girls in the movie "The Craft"?
Hardly! Witches are not obsessed with gaining power, fulfilling mundane desires, or glamour. As I stated before, Witches wish nothing more than to contribute positively to the world, and this could mean sending healing, positive and calming energies to someone who is ill, or herding off a dangerous individual through appropriate means, in the hopes of helping the individual gain a positive view on their lives.

30) Prove to me that you are a Witch.
If you don’t believe that I am a Witch, then nothing I do or show you will change your mind. I have no need to prove anything to anyone, nor perform for the amusement of others. You either believe or you don’t, and that all falls on you and you alone.

31) What do Witches do?
Witches do many things. They are healers, diviners, counsellors, herbalists, crafters, etc…we work with the surrounding energies to create needed changes in our lives and the lives of those who are important to us. We study, learn, and practice throughout our lives, and never feel we have learned everything there is to know, as we will never learn everything. Nature is continually changing, and so is our craft.